Tagasi otsingusse
Halaçlar et al., 2023

Exceptionally well-preserved crocodilian coprolites from the Late Eocene of Northern Vietnam: Ichnology and paleoecological significance

Halaçlar, K., Rummy, P., Liu, J., Hunt, A. P., Van Do, T., Minh, N. T., Deng, T.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


This study examines 55 coprolites from the Na Duong Basin to reconstruct the paleoenvironment. Coproecology sheds light on understanding the complex prey-predator relationships, trophic dynamics, and ecosystem evolution. Through quantitative and multidisciplinary analysis, the putative coprolites were attributed to crocodilian producers, leading to the establishment of a new ichnogenus and species, Crococopros naduongensis igen. et isp. nov., based on distinct characteristics and comparisons. The study provides compelling evidence of an ancient river or lake-like environment dominated by diverse crocodilian fauna, indicating a thriving food chain in the Na Duong Basin. The findings also highlight the remarkable richness of ichnofauna, fauna, flora, and the presence of a favorable climate, confirming the area as a significant fossil Lagersta¨ tte in Southeast Asia. Overall, this study offers a unique snapshot of the past, providing valuable insights into the regional ecosystem and significantly contributing to our understanding of paleoenvironmental conditions and biotic interactions.

Viimati muudetud: 15.11.2024
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