Tagasi otsingusse
Hutchings et al., 1992

Spatial and temporal patterns of non-colonial boring organisms (polychaetes, sipunculans and bivalve molluscs) in Porites at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef

Hutchings, P. A., Kiene, W. E., Cunningham, R. B., Donnelly, C.
AjakiriCoral Reefs
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A study of the spatial and temporal patterns of colonisation by non-colonial boring organisms to dead Porites coral substrate was conducted at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef over a 4 year period. These fluctuations were analysed for each group of borers, and most exhibited strong site preferences, with preferred sites being on the windward slope in 10 m and on the reef flat in 1 m. A lagoonal patch reef site exhibited consistently low colonisation. Most groups showed inter-year variations in colonisation with spring/early summer dominating. These variations are discussed in terms of what is known about their life histories. These results together with those of Kiene (in preparation) which document varying rates of bioerosion, at these sites over the same time period, demonstrate that variations in borer colonisation are responsible for the variations in rates of bioerosion calculated. Thus rates of bioerosion by borers will vary significantly between different reef environments.

Viimati muudetud: 14.9.2023
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