Tagasi otsingusse
Skompski et al., 2023

Coexistence of algae and a graptolite-like problematicum: a case study from the late Silurian of Podolia (Ukraine)

Skompski, S., Kozłowska, A., Kozłowski, W., Łuczyński, P.
AjakiriActa Geologica Polonica
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


This contribution presents the record of an abundant assemblage of well-preserved, thallophytic noncalcified algae and of an epibiotic form that has been recognised as a putative graptolite from the upper Silurian (Ludlow, Gorstian–Ludfordian) of Podolia (western part of Ukraine). The sediments represent a shallow peritidal zone of the shelf. A new genus and species, Voronocladus dryganti, belonging to the Dasycladales Pascher, 1931, is established. Most of the specimens representing the algal thallus are overgrown by problematical epibiotic graptolites, described as Podoliagraptus algaeoides gen. et sp. nov. This phenomenon is explained as an epiphytic mode of life of the putative graptolite on algae, and is herein compared to recently known coexistences of algae with other organisms. The excellent state of preservation, and the abundance of studied Dasycladales algae and epibiotic problematics indicate that the investigated mudstone layer can be treated as a ‘Konservat Lagerstätte’ sensu Seilacher (1970).

Viimati muudetud: 21.2.2025
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