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Niko & Senzai, 2010

Stratigraphy of the Devonian Kaminama Formation in the Kuzuryu Lake-Ise River area, Fukui Prefecture and its Favositid Coral Fauna

Niko, S., Senzai, Y.
AjakiriBulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Kamianama Formation in the Kuzuryu Lake–Ise River area of Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan is lithologically subdivided into the Oisedani and Hakubado Members in ascending order. Following our previous paper Niko and Senzai (2006) on the auloporid tabulate corals, 17 species of favositids are described herein from the formation. They are Klaamannipora oborensis sp. nov., Mesofavosites igoi (Kamei, 1955), Sapporipora kamitakaraensis Tsukada, 2005, Pachyfavosites katoi Niko, 2007, Plicatomurus flexuosus (Kamei, 1955), Squameopora takarensis (Kamei, 1955), Squameofavosites fukujensis (Kamei, 1955), S. ichinotanensis (Kamei, 1955), S. sugiyamai (Kamei, 1955), Isurugiopora obesa Niko, 2005, I. ishiokai sp. nov., Striatopora takayamaensis Niko, 2005, Thamnopora hayasakai Niko, 2005, Thamnoptychia mana sp. nov., Parastriatopora innae Dubatolov, 1963, Alveolites sp. cf. A. maillieuxi Lecompte, 1933, and Coenites kameii sp. nov. In the Kamianama tabulate coral fauna, the Squameofavosites sugiyamai, Thamnoptychia mana, Klaamannipora oborensis, and Isurugiopora obesa assemblages are recognized. The Squameofavosites sugiyamai and probably also T. mana assemblages belong to the Oisedani Member that is correlated with the Lochkovian (early Early Devonian) to Emsian (late Early Devonian) Takaharagawa Member of the Fukuji Formation in the Fukuji area, Gifu Prefecture. The Hakubado Member contains the K. oborensis and I. obesa assemblages, and is correlative with th

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