Tagasi otsingusse
Aldridge, 1975
The Silurian Conodont Ozarkodina sagitta and it value in correlation
Aldridge, R. J.
Aasta | 1975 |
Ajakiri | Palaeontology |
Köide | 18 |
Number | 2 |
Leheküljed | 323-332 |
Tüüp | artikkel ajakirjas |
Keel | inglise |
Id | 4812 |
A reconstruction of the apparatus of Ozarkodina sagitta (Walliser) is proposed, consistent with the composition of other apparatuses of the genus Ozarkodina and based on collections of disjunct conodont elements from Bohemia, Britain, Ireland, and the Carnic Alps of Austria. Descriptions of the apparatuses of the three subspecies of O. sagitta include details of the previously undescribed hindeodellan, plectospathodontan, and trichono-dellan elements.The stratigraphical distribution of O. sagitta in Britain and Bohemia is consistent with a range for the sagitta Zone from the lower Wenlock into the lower Ludlow and indicates a possible chronological sequence within the zone from O. sagitta rhenana to O. sagitta bohemica.
Viimati muudetud: 27.2.2023