Tagasi otsingusse
Kim et al., 2023

Efficient reciprocating burrowing with anisotropic origami feet

Kim, S., Treers, L. K., Huh, T. M., Stuart, H. S.
AjakiriFrontiers in Robotics and AI
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Origami folding is an ancient art which holds promise for creating compliant and adaptable mechanisms, but has yet to be extensively studied for granular environments. At the same time, biological systems exploit anisotropic body forces for locomotion, such as the frictional anisotropy of a snake’s skin. In this work, we explore how foldable origami feet can be used to passively induce anisotropic force response in granular media, through varying their resistive plane. We present a reciprocating burrower which transfers pure symmetric linear motion into directed burrowing motion using a pair of deployable origami feet on either end. We also present an application of the reduced order model granular Resistive Force Theory to inform the design of deformable structures, and compare results with those from experiments and Discrete Element Method simulations. Through a single actuator, and without the use of advanced controllers or sensors, these origami feet enable burrowing locomotion. In this paper, we achieve burrowing translation ratios—net forward motion to overall linear actuation—over 46% by changing foot design without altering overall foot size. Specifically, anisotropic folding foot parameters should be tuned for optimal performance given a linear actuator’s stroke length.

Viimati muudetud: 30.11.2023
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