Tagasi otsingusse
Uchman, A. (ed.)

Types of invertebrate trace fossils from Poland: an illustrated catalogue

Uchman, A.
KirjastusPolish Geological Institute
Kirjastuse kohtWarszawa
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


This publication should be helpful to these who work on invertebrate ichnotaxonomy and who want to know more about ichnology in Poland. It contains information about ichnospecies described from the current territory of Poland and housed in Polish institutions. The original name, information on each type and its repository, type horizon and locality and current status in ichnotaxonomy are provided. The types are arranged according to stratigraphy and region. Traces of commensalism and faecal pellets, and types from other countries that are housed from Poland are presented as the miscellanea at the end of the catalogue. Alphabetic list of the taxa can be found in the index.

Viimati muudetud: 19.12.2023
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