Tagasi otsingusse
He, T. et al., 2022

Shallow ocean oxygen decline during the end-Triassic mass extinction

He, T., Newton, R. J., Wignall, P. B., Reid, S., Dal Corso, J., Takahashi, S., Wu, H., Todaro, S., Di Stefano, P., Randazzo, V., Rigo, M., Dunhill, A. M.
AjakiriGlobal and Planetary Change
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The end-Triassic mass extinction (ETME) was associated with intensified deep-water anoxia in epicontinental seas and mid-depth waters, yet the absolute oxygenation state in the shallow ocean is uncharacterized. Here we report carbonate-associated iodine data from the peritidal Mount Sparagio section (Southern Italy) that documents the ETME (~ 200 Ma) in the western Tethys. We find a sharp drop in carbonate I/(Ca + Mg) ratios across the extinction horizon and persisting into the Early Jurassic. This records local dissolved oxygen and iodate decline in the near-surface ocean of low-latitude Tethys due to the development of depleted oxygen concentrations. Consequently, during the ETME even shallow-water animals, such as the megalodonts seen at Mount Sparagio, were likely the victims of oxygen-poor conditions. The shallow ocean deoxygenation coincides with the synchronous spread of deeper anoxic waters and widespread anoxic deposition on continental shelves and slopes. An upwards expansion of the mid-water oxygen minimum zone in the latest Triassic shoaled the oxycline and triggered a major marine crisis.

Viimati muudetud: 8.1.2024
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