Tagasi otsingusse
SEDORKO et al., 2024

Neoichnological analysis of mole cricket burrows: implications of substrate moisture changes on preservation and morphology

Sedorko, D., Nascimento, D. L., Carmona, N., Netto, R. G., Rangel, C. C., Ramos, K. S., Alessandretti, L.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The morphology and architectural design of trace fossils are strongly influenced by substrate characteristics, organism anatomy, and burrowing behavior. In this study, we explore the influence of substrate moisture on preservation variants of mole cricket burrows and discuss its correspondence to previously described ichnogenera. Field observations were conducted on clayey and sandy substrates; burrows were described and photographed in situ, and laboratory analyses were performed on collected samples. Mole cricket burrows consist of branched, straight to sinuous tunnels with circular to semicircular cross sections and exhibit distinctive features on the inner walls that are influenced by substrate moisture and texture. Morphotypes were identified based on substrate characteristics, including well-developed pelletized roofs, subtle scratch traces, collapsed roofs, and lateral fringes. Understanding the impact of substrate moisture changes on the preservation and morphology of mole cricket burrows is essential for interpreting trace fossils in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Besides providing insights into the modes of preservation and substrate conditions of mole cricket burrows, this study also compares their preservation variants with those of Protovirgularia and Sphaerapus.

Viimati muudetud: 5.2.2024
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