Tagasi otsingusse
Radwanski, 1968
Transgresja dolnego tortonu na obszarze Wyżyny Miechowskiej i Krakowskiej [Lower Tortonian transgression on the Miechow and Cracow Uplands]
Radwanski, A.
Aasta | 1968 |
Ajakiri | Acta Geologica Polonica |
Köide | 18 |
Number | 2 |
Leheküljed | 387-446 |
Tüüp | artikkel ajakirjas |
Id | 48795 |
The problems are presented of the Lower Tortonian (Opolian substage) littoral structures in the Miechów and Cracow Uplands of southern Poland. Particular littoral structures are described giving i.a. detailed characteristics of various lithophags. The importance is pointed out of these structures for the reconstruction of pre-Tortonian morphology and for the palaeogeography of the Tortonian transgression onto the Miechów and Cracow Uplands. The development of the marine basin which resulted from this transgression in both areas is presented
Viimati muudetud: 20.2.2025