Tagasi otsingusse
Ainsaar & Meidla, 2024

Stratigraphic age of the Ordovician sedimentary succession in Lumparn Bay, Åland Islands, Finland

Ainsaar, L., Meidla, T.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas
Eesti autor


The depression of the ancient Lumparn meteorite impact structure is partly infilled by Cambrian and Ordovician sediments, lying nowadays below the seawater. The Ordovician carbonate succession at this site, recognised through erratic boulders and by the drilling project in the late 1950s, is of particular interest due to its isolated and distant location from other areas with Ordovician sediments in the Baltoscandian Palaeobasin. In this study, we present new data on ostracod biostratigraphy and stable carbon isotope chemostratigraphy obtained from three old drillcores. Comparison of ostracod distribution with sections in Estonia generally supports the previous interpretations of a Darriwilian and Sandbian age for the lowermost Tranvik Limestone (which we propose renaming the “orthoceratite limestone” in the Åland Islands area). The uppermost Östersjö Limestone spans almost the entire Katian age. We also observe the global MDICE and GICE carbon isotopic excursions, as well as Katian Rakvere and Saunja excursions, within the Lumparn succession. The Ordovician succession in Lumparn Bay is facially resembling the Estonian Shelf facies of the Baltoscandian Palaeobasin.

Viimati muudetud: 7.10.2024
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