Tagasi otsingusse
Joseph & Patel, 2015

Ichnology of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentary cycles and their sequence stratigraphic context: Kaladongar Formation (Middle Jurassic) of Kachchh, western India

Joseph, J. K., Patel, S. J.
DOI10.5604/17313708 .1185695
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Middle Jurassic Kaladongar Formation, Patcham Island, Kachchh, western India, comprises of a 353 m-thick mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession of asymmetrical shallowing and deepening upward sedimentary cycles. It is subdivided into five main facies i.e., micritic sandstone, allochemic sandstone, sandy allochem limestone, micritic mudrock, and sandy micrite along with shales and conglomerates. Eight trace fossil assemblages comprising 34 ichnogenera are defined, including the Asterosoma, Gyrochorte, Rhizocorallium, Thalassinoides, Planolites–Palaeophycus, Phycodes, Ophiomorpha, and Skolithos assemblages that reflect five depositional facies: offshore, transitional, lower, middle, and upper shoreface. The sedimentary packages and associated trace fossil assemblages are separated by various discontinuities, stratigraphic surfaces and stratigraphic boundaries within the succession of the Kaladongar Formation and reveal three phases of regression (RST-I, RST-II and RST-III) and three phases of transgression (TST-II, III and IV) within the 3rd order systems tracts developed in the slowly transgressing sea during the Bajocian-Bathonian time interval.

Viimati muudetud: 30.4.2024
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