Tagasi otsingusse
Kolesnikov et al., 2012

Arumberia-type structures in the Upper Vendian of the Urals

Kolesnikov, A. V., Grazhdankin, D. V., Maslov, A. V.
AjakiriDoklady Earth Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Problematic arumberia-type structures are widespread in Upper Proterozoic sedimentary rocks deposited in depositional environments subject to periodic desiccation and fluctuating salinity. Here we report two new occurrences of arumberia-type structures in the Krutikha Member of the Upper Vendian Chernyi Kamen Formation on the western slope of the Central Urals (Us’va River) and the Zigan Formation of the Asha Group in the South Urals (new road Sterlitamak–Beloretsk). The results of the study of these structures significantly expand paleontological characteristics of the Upper Vendian nonmarine rocks and allow us to re-examine the paleontological importance of the hastily forgotten group of arumberia-type organisms. We distinguished six varieties of arumberia-type structures that for the sake of convenience were given formal Latin names in binominal nomenclature although they are not biological species. Two species— Arumberia banski and A. vindhyanensis—were erected by previous researchers, whereas the A. beckeri, A. ollii, A. usvaensis, and A. multykensis varieties are recognized for the first time. Despite similarity to erosional structures on the bottom of turbidite beds, erosion does not explain the genesis of the entire spectrum of arumberiatype structures including those preserved on ripple marks, with evidence of softbody deformation, or with ribbon and filamentous fabric replaced by clay minerals. The diversity of arumberia could be only a manifestation of living systems. The species of Arumberia are distinguished by their different biostratinomy, the distance between the main structural units, the preservation of the main structural units, and the presence of additional structures between the main structural units. Most likely, the diversity of arumberia reflects not only taphonomic, but also ontogenetic and phenotypic variation. The level of morphological complexity and biostratinomic features of arumberia apparently exceed the organization of microbial mats and represent a non-actualistic type of microbial communities. The occurrence in extremely shallow-water depositional setting suggests that arumberia had evolved an adaption to periodic desiccation and that arumberia-type organisms, along with microbial mats, had been an important factor of sediment biostabilization in the Late Vendian non-marine environments.

Viimati muudetud: 9.5.2024
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