Tagasi otsingusse
Lakova, I., 1986

New Chitinozoan Taxa from the Gedinian in Bulgaria

Lakova, I.
AjakiriReview of the Bulgarian Geological Society
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


New chitinozoan taxa from the Gedinian stage in Bulgaria. One new genus and two new species of chitinozoans - Lambdachitina gen. n., Lambdachitina coronata sp. n., and Lagenochitina bulgarica sp. n. The new taxa are found in dark argillites from the Kalyarska Suite in the P-1 Dalgopol borehole (Northwestern Bulgaria) in the Gedinian stage. A comparative study of the values of four relative numerical parameters describing the morphology of the vesicle was made. A high morphological similarity was established between the two new species, which indicates that Lambdachitina coronata sp. n. evolved from Lagenochitina bulgarica sp. n., and that the genus Lambdachitina gen. n. is derived from Lagenochitina Eisenack, 1931.

Viimati muudetud: 22.7.2024
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