Tagasi otsingusse
Lange, F. W., 1949

Novos Microfósseis Devonianos do Paraná

Lange, F. W.
AjakiriArquivos do Museu Paranaese
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Chitinozoa are for the first time described from the Lower Devonian Ponta Grossa shale of Paraná, Brazil. Only one species has so far been found in this shale, Conochitina biconstricta n. sp., which, when preserved in its original cylindrical condition, presents the shape of a basally opened club, whose body is constricted both anteriorly and about the middle; several small spines are attached around the frontal circular margin, as well as along the basal region of the body. Due to compression, the fossils generally are found in a flattened, deformed, condition, presenting the shape of a compressed cup.

Viimati muudetud: 22.7.2024
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