Tagasi otsingusse
Kolesnikov et al., 2024

New Finds of Vendian Macrofossils in the Upper Precambrian of Chetlasskii Kamen Hill of the Timan Ridge (Arkhangelsk Oblast)

Kolesnikov, A. V., Pan’kov, V. N., Pan’kova, V. A., Latysheva, I. V., Shatsillo, A. V., Kuznetsov, N. B.
AjakiriDoklady Earth Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Macrofossils of the Vendian soft-bodied organisms were found for the first time in the Vizinga and Ust'-Palega formations of the Upper Precambrian in Chetlasskii Kamen Hill (Middle Timan, Arkhangelsk oblast). Representatives of palaeopascichnids, aspidellamorphs, and possible frondomorphs, trace fossils, and microbially induced arumberiamorph structures were identified among molds and three-dimensional casts of fossils. Previously we revealed Vendian macrofossils in the Upper Precambrian in Dzhezhim-Parma Hill (South Timan, Komi Republic). The discovery of one more locality of various Ediacaran fossils in the middle part of the Timan Ridge significantly expands their paleogeography and also clarifies the time frame of deposition of the Vizinga and Ust'-Palega formations, the position of which in the Upper Precambrian section of Central Timan was debatable.

Viimati muudetud: 16.8.2024
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