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Bockelie, T.G., 1981

Internal Morphology of Two Species of Lagenochitina (Chitinozoa)

Bockelie, T.G.
AjakiriReview of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Internal and external structures of Lagenochitina boja Bockelie 1980 and L. esthonica Eisenack 1955 have been examined with a scanning electron microscope. The material derives from limestone samples from the Arenig to ?Lower Llanvirn succession of NE Spitsbergen. The species possesses both an operculum and a prosoma (Bockelie, 1978). The operculum, in the shape of a thin flat disc, closes the aperture of the test. A cylindroconical structure is enclosed in the test aborally of the operculum. The cylindrical part of this structure, the prosoma, is transversed by numerous thin disc-shaped laminae. The sequence of thin laminae is terminated in a thicker lamina, here termed the subex. The prosoma wall is extended aborally forming a conical structure, the rica. The prosomata of individual specimens show variation in length, microstructures, and the attachment to the test. The internal structures of Lagenochitina species are compared with similar structures known from other chitinozoan species.

Viimati muudetud: 5.9.2024
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