Tagasi otsingusse
Maslov et al., 2004

Lithogeochemistry of Upper Precambrian Terrigenous Rocks of Belarus: Communication 2. Provenance, Paleogeodynamics, Paleogeography, and Paleoclimate

Maslov, A. V., Melnichuk, O. Y., Kuznetsov, A. B., Podkovyrov, V. N.
AjakiriLithology and Mineral Resources
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


This paper completes the examination of results of the study of lithogeochemical characteristics of a pilot collection of the Riphean–Vendian sandstones, siltstones, and claystones (last one based on the interpretation of results) in Belarus. Data on the age of detrital zircon published in recent years suggest that Upper Precambrian rocks of this region were sourced from the Osnitsk–Mikashevichi and the Trans-Scandinavian igneous belts, the Volyn–Brest large igneous province, rapakivi granites, as well as various rock associations of Sarmatia, Danopolonian orogen and Svecofennides. Based on the lithogeochemical characteristics, the distribution of data points of the studied clastic rocks on discriminant diagrams provides insight into the possible provenance, paleogeodynamic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic settings and suggests several conclusions.The considered Riphean–Vendian stratons in Belarus are composed mainly of erosion products of within-plate granitoids, as well as various island-arc and syncollisional felsic igneous rocks. The share of erosion products of mafic rocks among them generally does not exceed 30%. It is significant mainly in the Volyn Group rocks (erosion products of the Volyn–Brest large igneous province), as well as in some samples of the Nizov, Selyavy, and Kotlin formations (fragments of mafic rocks from other provenances?). The source-tosink
transport was accomplished mainly by large rivers. Paleogeodynamic settings varied from quite active to quite passive. The paleoclimate in catchment areas was most likely arid/semiarid in the Riphean. In the Vendian,
it was humid and varied from subtropical in the Early Vendian (except the Glusk Formation) to tropical
in the Late Vendian. The obtained results also make it possible to show some peculiarities of the known methods
and techniques of paleoclimate reconstruction.

Viimati muudetud: 10.9.2024
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