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Samuelsson & Verniers, 2000

Ordovician chitinozoan biozonation of the Brabant Massif, Belgium

Samuelsson, J., Verniers, J.
AjakiriReview of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Chitinozoans from seven Ordovician units (Abbaye de Villers, Tribotte, Rigenée, Ittre, Bornival, and Brutia formations and a new unnamed unit, here provisionally called the Asquempont unit) belonging to the mainly concealed Brabant Massif, Belgium are described herein. Fifty-six samples were taken from rocks cropping out at the south-eastern rim of the massif in the Orneau, Dyle–Thyle and Senne–Sennette valleys. Microfossil preservation is moderate to poor, and the chitinozoans occur in low numbers. Taxonomically, the recovered chitinozoans are distributed into 29 taxa, some placed under open nomenclature. Together with earlier published graptolite and acritarch data, the analysis of the chitinozoan assemblages resulted in an improved chronostratigraphy of the investigated formations. We propose a local chitinozoan biozonation with 11 zones for the Brabant Massif. The oldest investigated units yielded chitinozoans typical for North Gondwana, and younger units (starting in the middle Caradoc), yielded some taxa also common in Baltica. As the Brabant Massif formed part of the microcontinent Avalonia, the chitinozoan assemblages recovered from the massif support the inferred drifting of Avalonia from high latitudes towards middle latitudes in the Ordovician as was suggested earlier.

Viimati muudetud: 10.9.2024
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