Tagasi otsingusse
Olaru & Apostoae, 2004

Arenigian Chitinozoans from the Tulghes Group, Upper Formation (TG. 4) from Balan Zone, Eastern Carpathians, Romania

Olaru, L., Apostoae, L.
AjakiriActa Palaeontologica Romaniae
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


There have been analyzed the samples collected from Balan Nappe and Sandominic Nappe, from the Tulghes Group, Upper Formation (Tg. 4) from the Balan Zone. From the lithological succession of rocks and from a palynological point of view, sericitous graptolithic phyllites, black quartzites and grey sericitous schists had been analyzed, offering interesting chitinozoan assemblages. We notice the presence of some species such as Lagenochitina esthonica, Conochitina symmetrica, Fustichitina grandicula, Rhabdochitina magna, Conochitina raymondi, Lagenochitina cf. combazi, Lagenochitina brevicollis, Desmochitina bulla, all specific for the Arenigian age. The presence of these species does allow a correlation with similar assemblage from the Baltic Shield, Eastern European Platform, Laurentian Shield and Gondwanaland.

Viimati muudetud: 11.9.2024
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