Tagasi otsingusse
Vinn et al., 2024o

New parasitic organisms in a productid brachiopod Eomarginifera lobata from the lower Carboniferous of the Moscow Basin, Russia

Vinn, O., Mironenko, A., Wilson, M. A.
AjakiriActa Palaeontologica Polonica
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Bioclaustrations are among the best ways that parasitic associations are preserved. A new bioclaustration, Haplorygma productidophilia csp. nov., is here described from the ventral interior of the Carboniferous productid brachiopod Eomarginifera lobata. The location and morphology of the structures in the ventral valve differ from the structure in the dorsal valve, suggesting that two different organisms infested the shells of Eomarginifera lobata. It is possible that whether it was ventral or dorsal valve was an important selection criterion for the infesting organisms, which were likely
parasites. The proportion of infested productids was low in the population (5.8%). This low infestation rate could indicate that productids had effective methods for resisting parasites, or that the parasites were ineffective in spreading through the brachiopod population.

Viimati muudetud: 19.9.2024
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