Tagasi otsingusse
Fatka & Kozák, 2014

A new type of entombment of Peronopsis (Agnostida) in a hyolithid conch

Fatka, O., Kozák, V.
AjakiriCarnets de Géologie
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


An enrolled exoskeleton of the holaspid specimen of a tiny agnostid Peronopsis integra (Beyrich, 1845) entombed inside a conch of the hyolithid? Buchavalites sp. is described from the middle Cambrian (Drumian) Jince Formation of the Příbram-Jince Basin (Czech Republic). The agnostid is associated with an ichnofossil of the feeding trace classified as Arachnostega-type behaviour. The en-rolled attitude of the agnostid exoskeleton suggests that the specimen is a carcass rather than moult. Either the storm disturbance and/or well-protected source of food hypotheses could explain the en-tombed agnostid. This additional example supports a benthic mode of life in the agnostid P. integra. The studied association of feeding tunnels of an unknown Arachnostega-strategist and Peronopsis preserved inside a hyolithid conch is a case of "frozen" behaviour.

Viimati muudetud: 25.9.2024
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