Tagasi otsingusse
Turk et al., 2024b

Himatiichnus mangano igen. et isp. nov., a scalidophoran trace fossil from the late Ediacaran of Namibia

Turk, K. A., Pulsipher, M. A., Mocke, H., Laflamme, M., Darroch, S. A. F.
AjakiriRoyal Society Open Science
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Himatiichnus mangano igen. et isp. nov., a new trace fossil from the late Ediacaran Huns Member of the Urusis Formation, southern Namibia, comprises intertwining tubes exhibiting dual lineation patterns and reminiscent of both modern and early Cambrian examples of priapulid worm burrows. These similarities support the interpretation of a total-group scalidophoran tracemaker for H. mangano, thus providing direct evidence for the first appearance date of Scalidophora in the late Ediacaran ca 539 Ma. This new material is thus indicative of the presence of total-group scalidophorans below the Cambrian boundary and supports inference of a lengthy Precambrian fuse for the Cambrian explosion

Viimati muudetud: 22.10.2024
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