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Singh et al., 2024b

Cambrian trace fossils from the Kunzam La Formation, Baralacha La syncline, Lahaul valley, Himachal Himalaya and their biostratigraphic significance

Singh, B. P., Bhargava, O. N., Chaubey, R. S., Prasad, S. K., Verma, V.
AjakiriHimalayan Geology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Trace fossils assemblage comprising Bergaueria perata, Cruziana problematica, Ctenopholeus kutcheri, Diplichnites isp., Monomorphichnus bilinearis, Monomorphichnus multilineatus, Palaeophycus tubularis, Psammichnites gigas gigas, Psammichnites gigas arcuatus and Treptichnus pedum being described for the first time from the Cambrian Parahio Member (Kunzam La Formation, Haimanta Group) exposed in the Baralacha La syncline, Northern Lahaul, Himachal Himalaya. The lithological contents of the Kunzam La Formation exposed in Panchi Nala section (Baralacha La syncline) are akin to the upper part of the Parahio Member (Kunzam La Formation) and have an affinity with the Spiti region. The presence of traces of Ctenopholeus kutcheri, Psammichnites gigas gigas, and Psammichnites gigas arcuatus in the studied section provides a basis for a biostratigraphic correlation of the section to Wuliuan (Cambrian) of the Spiti.

Viimati muudetud: 22.10.2024
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