Tagasi otsingusse
Buckman, 1994b

Archaeonassa Fenton and Fenton 1937 reviewed

Buckman, J. O.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Archaeonassa is a poorly known ichnogenus, originally described from the Cambrian of North America, which is a member of the Scolicia ’group’, but can be regarded as distinct from Scolicia. Archaeonassa was originally based on modern material, and therefore falls into a taxonomic grey zone concerning its availability, but as A. fossulata was erected on fossil material the ichnogenus is here retained. Although exhibiting a degree of morphological plasticity in its style of ornament, Archaeonassa is considered to be monospecific, with only the ichnospecies A. fossulata recognised. The ichnogenus appears to be restricted to the Paleozoic, although similar material is well documented from modern environments. Thus the ichnogenus is expected to be geographically and stratigraphically more widespread than it otherwise appears. Archaeonassa is a valuable tool for environmental reconstruction within the Paleozoic as it occurs within intertidal deposits. The ichnogenus is interpreted chiefly as the work of gastropods, although in many cases may have been produced by trilobites or even echinoids, and represents the exogenic expression of either surface or shallow subsurface locomotion.

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