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Abdesselam-Rouighi & Coquel, 1997

Palynologie du Devonien terminal-Carbonifere inferieur dans le sud-est du bassin d'Illizi (Sahara Algerien). Position des premieres lycospores dans la serie stratigraphique

Abdesselam-Rouighi, F.-F., Coquel, R.
Pealkiri tõlgitudPalynology of the Uppermost Devonian-Lower Carboniferous in the South-East of the Illizi Basin (Algerian Sahara). The First Appearance of Lycopspores in the Stratigraphical Series.
AjakiriAnnales de la Société Géologique du Nord
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


he palynological data of the Lower Carboniferous Saharan platform have shown the presence of a Visean microflora clearly different of those of Western Europe.
In the Illizi (Algerian Sahara) and Rhadames basin (Western Libya), a late appearance of Lycospora (uppermost Visean) have been demonstrated (Attar et al., 1980; Massa et al., 1980). This fundamental result of all datation on the Saharan platform has been challenged by Streel and Lobezak (1994). For these authors the biostratigraphy of the Visean in Illizi is well established in the Illizi-Rhadames basins, and for years, the first appearance of Lycospora in the Illizi-Rhadames basin indicates lowermost Visean not uppermost Visean.
The microflora of AJ-37 borehole (Eastern Libya, Cyrenaica) well dated by microfauna (Vachard et al., 1993) has been studied. This work (Coquel & Massa, 1993) confirms the results obtained in the Illizi-Rhadames basins.
The first appearance of Lycospora in the uppermost Visean is well established on the Saharan platform.
Two boreholes (BN1 and GTDI) located in the south-east of Illizi basin, near the Carboniferous type sections have been studied. In the GTDI borehole, the age of the F2 Reservoir is uppermost Famennian-Strunian. In the BN1 borehole, the first lycospores occur just below the Upper Collenia level dated uppermost Visean.
A new species: Emphanisporites delicatus nov. sp. is described.

Viimati muudetud: 22.1.2025
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