Tagasi otsingusse
Baudelot et al., 1976

Caractéristiques et âges des cinq cycles paléozoïques du Nord-Ouest de la Corse

Baudelot, S., Doubinger, J., Durand Delga, M., Vellutini, P.
AjakiriBulletin de la Societe Geologique de France
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Galeria region presents the essential features allowing for a reconstitution of the pre-Mesozoic evolution of the corsico-sardinian block. The following five assemblages can be recognized:

  1. Micaschists
  2. Sandstones-quartzites (Early Ordovician?)
  3. Conglomerates and quartzites, dark slates dated Early Silurian from Acritarchs and Chitinozoans, sandstones and lydians
  4. Limestones with a microfauna of the Devonian-Dinantian boundary, sandy and pelitic Culm
  5. Conglomerates and andesitic tuffs of Late Carboniferous.

All these assemblages are separated by unconformities (somewhat in certain between 3 and 4). The regional metamorphism thought to be, up to now, Variscan or late Caledonian is much older, perhaps Briovarian.

Viimati muudetud: 29.1.2025
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