Tagasi otsingusse
Baudelot et al., 1980

Présence d’un microplancton du Ludlovien supérieur dans les argilites, d’âge discuté, de Tomboya (Guinée)

Baudelot, S., Diallo, K., Villeneuve, M.
DOIComptes Rendus Sommaire de la Société Géologique de France
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Graptolites attributed to Praguian (Lower Devonian) in association with a microplancton from upper Ludlovian were found in the layer of Tomboya considered so far as lower Wenlockian. These results pose the problem of the layer’s, since the data provided by different organisms are apparently contradictory.

Viimati muudetud: 29.1.2025
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