Tagasi otsingusse
Bednarczyk, W. S., 1999

Chitinozoa-bearing Horizons in the Ordovician of Northern Poland in the Light of Conodont Stratigraphy

Bednarczyk, W. S.
AjakiriBulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Some Caradocian and Arenigian species of Chitinozoa have been previously described from the western part of the Baltic Syncline (the Łeba area), and from the Holy Cross Mts and, lastly, from Pomerania. In the Sokolica 1 and in the Klewno 1 boreholes, situated in the Kętrzyn region (eastern part of the Baltic Syncline), 14 species from 8 genera have been recorded from the Arenigian to the Lower Ashgillian strata. The Chitinozoa are compared with those from Scandinavian and Baltic (mainly Estonia) countries. The assemblages of Chitinozoa are presented against a background of Conodont stratigraphy.

Viimati muudetud: 29.1.2025
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