Tagasi otsingusse
Gramm & Ivanov, 1975

The ostracod Paraparchites minax Ivanov, sp. nov. from the Permian of the U.S.S.R., and its muscle-scar field

Gramm, M. N., Ivanov, V. K.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The ostracod Paraparchites minax sp. nov., from the early Permian of the Pre-Donetz Depression of the Rostov area of the Soviet Union, is described and figured. Particular attention is paid to the muscle scars, to mandibular and frontal scars and especially to the adductor muscle scars, which are in the form of a cluster of up to 190 spots. An outline of the ontogenetic development of the scars is given. The systematic position of the Para-parchitacea is discussed in the light of outline, inner lamella, dimorphism, and central muscle-scar pattern, with the conclusion that the superfamily is related neither to the Platycopa, nor the Kloedenellidae, and in consequence, a new suborder of the Podocopida, the Paraparchitocopa, is proposed.

Viimati muudetud: 8.2.2025
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