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Davenport et al., 2014

Mussel dropping by Carrion and Hooded crows: biomechanical and energetic considerations

Davenport, J., O'Callaghan, M. J. A., Davenport, J. L., Kelly, T. C.
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Dropping live mussels (Mytilus sp.) onto hard substrata by Carrion Crows (Corvus corone) and Hooded Crows (Corvus comix) to access their flesh is a commonly observed behavior from late summer to spring in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Despite previous studies, several aspects of prey-dropping behavior remained incompletely understood. From September 2008 to January 2010, we determined the heights of drops, likelihood of shell breakage from drops at different heights, effect of mussel size on breakability, energetic costs of flying to drop heights, and the energetic costs of transporting mussels from mussel beds to dropping sites. We studied Carrion Crows on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, and Hooded Crows in Cork Harbor, Ireland. Initial experiments were carried out with mussels to determine breakability in relation to size and drop height, and to estimate mussel energy content. Sizes of mussel shells at Hooded Crow dropping sites were compared with those of live mussels from source mussel beds. Adult Carrion Crows (N = 10) dropped mussels from a mean height of 4.7 m, and adult Hooded Crows (N = 21) from 4.8 m. These heights were close to the minimum (4-4.8 m; determined experimentally) required to break all mussel shells on the first drop. Dropping mussels from the minimum height that guarantees breakage reduces handling time and, by minimizing the size of the resulting debris field, likely reduces the risk of kleptoparasitism. Juvenile Hooded Crows (N = 13) dropped mussels onto suboptimal substrates (gravelly mud) from variable heights (mean = 6.1 m) with a low success rate (0% on first drop). This inefficiency could reflect either inexperience or exclusion from prime hard-substrate dropping sites by adults. Foraging Hooded Crows selected larger mussels, dropping no mussels <32-mm shell length. Energetic calculations indicate that a Hooded Crow lifting a medium-sized mussel (55-mm shell length) to a height of 5 m incurs a cost of only 0.3% of energy assimilated from that mussel, whereas travel to and from a mussel bed 200 m away costs 5.8% of that energy. These results suggest that choice of mussel dropping height by crows is determined by shell breakability rather than the cost of flying up to the dropping height

Viimati muudetud: 9.3.2025
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