Tagasi otsingusse
Desrochers, 2006

Rocky shoreline deposits in the Lower Silurian (upper Llandovery, Telychian) Chicotte Formation, Anticosti Island, Quebec

Desrochers, A.
AjakiriCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The upper Llandovery (Telychian) Chicotte Formation is a regionally extensive crinoid-rich unit exposed in the south-central part of Anticosti Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Chicotte encrinites represent an inner ramp, crinoidal sand-shoal complex (about 80 m thick) that prograded over deeper middle to outer ramp facies of the underlying Jupiter Formation in response to a long-term sea-level fall. The typical depositional unit in the Chicotte Formation is a metre-scale subtidal cycle indicating that higher frequency sea-level changes were also present. Metre-scale cycles are typically characterized by coarsening-upward, locally cross-bedded encrinitic material capped by a sharp erosional surface. These bounding surfaces change progressively upsection from simple planar to low-relief scalloped erosional surfaces to complex polyphase surfaces formed by distinct but superimposed erosional events. Three-dimensional paleomorphological features with local relief up to 50 m associated with erosional surfaces are exposed along coastal and river sections and in places have been partially exhumed by modern erosion along coastal exposures to expose a prominent intraformational unconformity. Paleolandforms include large-scale irregular sea stacks and shallow cliffs, similar to those present along modern rocky shorelines. Reefal limestones with small pockets of well-washed crinoidal sand and brachiopod banks form a narrow shoreline sediment wedge piled against the intra-Chicotte unconformity. The sea-level lowstand recorded within the Chicotte Formation coincides with a major sea-level lowstand recognized elsewhere on several continents during the early to middle Telychian time, indicating a eustatic rather than tectonic origin.

Viimati muudetud: 23.3.2025
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