Tagasi otsingusse
Gross, 1969

Lophosteus superbus Pander, ein Teleostome aus dem Silur Oesels

Gross, W.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Numerous scales as well as fragments of spines and bones of Lophosteus superbus Pander 1856, a fish which has not been re-studied since 1893, were found in a rock specimen of Ohesaare Beds (marine Downtonian) from the Isle of Oesel (Estonia). The various remains have been studied morphologically and histologically. The structure of the remains demonstrates the close relationship of L. superbus with Andreolepis hedei Gross 1968. Both genera have been placed in the new family Lophosteidae and the new order Lophosteiformes. The position of this order within the Teleostomi will remain unclear until connected remains or intact fish specimens are found. The scales of both genera indicate a possible connection with the Actinopterygii. In addition, the morphology and histology of some bone fragments covered with small teeth and tubercles are described. These fragments may also belong to L. superbus.

Viimati muudetud: 7.3.2022
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