Tagasi otsingusse
Andrews et al., 2006 (for 2005)

The structure of the sarcopterygian Onychodus jandemarrai n. sp. from Gogo, Western Australia: with a functional interpretation of the skeleton

Andrews, M., Long, J., Ahlberg, P., Barwick, R., Campbell, K.
AjakiriTransactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Earth Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A description of the head, mandible, pectoral girdle, humerus, medial fins and their supports, and the dissociated vertebral column has been prepared for Onychodus jandemarrai n. sp. from the Gogo Formation (Frasnian) of Western Australia. This is the most completely known species of the genus. The feature influencing most of the head morphology is the retractable parasymphysial tusk whorls. Their presence has caused a reorganisation of the braincase, palate (including the loss of the vomers), and lateral displacement of the nasal capsules. The extensive mandibular articulation is in cartilage, and the mandibular symphysis is weak. This makes for a kinetic skull. There is a single submandibular on each side. The vertebral column is poorly ossified, consisting of intercentra which have no ventral contact, and pleurocentra. The neural arches have no longitudinal ligament, have unequal sides, and asymmetrical placing of the dorsal and ventral nerve root foramina. Each arch has an anterior surface that often attaches to the next anterior arch. The caudal fin is almost diphycercal; all the medial fins have strong support structures. An attempt is made to discuss the functional morphology of many features of the skeleton.

Viimati muudetud: 2.2.2022
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