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Tonarová et al., 2017

Palynology, microfacies and biostratigraphy across the Daleje Event (Lower Devonian, lower to upper Emsian): new insights from the offshore facies of the Prague Basin, Czech Republic

Tonarová, P., Vodrážková, S., Ferrová, L., de la Puente, G. S., Hints, O., Frýda, J., Kubajko, M.
AjakiriPalaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
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The Zlíchovian/Dalejan boundary interval (Emsian, Lower Devonian) of the Pekárek Mill section was studied employing biostratigraphy (dacryoconarid tentaculites, conodonts) and palynology (chitinozoans, prasinophytes, scolecodonts) and microfacies analysis in order to shed more light on the timing and characteristics of the Daleje Event. The results of our study stress the great importance of the base of the Nowakia elegans Zone for the substage level division of the Emsian. Onset of the Daleje transgression is linked with higher terrigenous input, and coinciding changes in the chitinozoan assemblages were recorded at this level. The transgression at the base of the N. elegans Zone preceded the main transgression taking place in the N. cancellata Zone; it can be correlated with the Upper Zlíchov Event. For the first time, Emsian chitinozoans and a jawed polychaete fauna are described in detail from the Prague Basin and can be correlated with other northern Gondwanan regions. The family-level composition of scolecodont assemblage confirms the dominance of paulinitids in the peri-Gondwanan realm.

Viimati muudetud: 6.6.2020
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