Tagasi otsingusse
Książkiewicz, 1977

Trace fossils in the Flysch of the Polish Carpathians

Książkiewicz, M.
AjakiriPalaeontologia Polonica
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The ichnofauna of the flysch in the Polish Carpathians described here in consists of 56 ichnogenera and 151 ichnospecies. In this assemblage 6 new ichnogenera and 40 new ichnospecies have been described.The ichnofossils are divided into ten informal morphological groups. Ethologically most of the Carpathian trace fossils belong to Pascichnia, some to Repichnia and presumably to Fodinichnia, and very few to other ecological groups. The ichnofauna occurs in beds of uppermost Jurassic, Cretaceous and Palaeogene age. It attains the maximum development in the Senonian and in the early Palaeogene. The vertical and lateral distribution of the ichnofauna seems to support the assumption that the Carpathian flysch was mostly deposited at bathyal depths.

Viimati muudetud: 4.12.2023
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