Tagasi otsingusse
Groom, 1902

The Sequence of the Cambrian and Associated Beds of the Malvern Hills

Groom, T.
AjakiriQuarterly Journal of the Geological Society (QJGS), London
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In a former communication1 the disposition of the older Palæozoic beds in the Southern Malverns was described, but few stratigraphical details were given. It is proposed on the present, occasion to complete the description of these rocks, with the exception of the lithology. Further research has strengthened the conclusions formerly drawn, and has afforded some additional evidence as to the succession; while diligent collecting, and examination of the specimens previously collected, has added many fossils to the small stock hitherto known. A number of these are new ; they have already been described in part by Mr. Frederick Chapman,2 and by the author,3 and descriptions of the remainder by Mr. C. A. Matley and the present writer will be found towards, or at the close of this paper, together with some notes on certain trilobites for which Mr. Philip Lake and myself are jointly responsible

Viimati muudetud: 19.9.2021
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