Tagasi otsingusse
Schlirf, 2000

Upper Jurassic trace fossils from the Boulonnais (northern France)

Schlirf, M.
AjakiriGeologica et Palaeontologica
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A great variety of well preserved trace fossils from Upper Jurassic rocks of the Boulonnais (North France) are described. Preservational aspects, ecological observations, the nature of the trace fossil producers and their behaviour are discussed. The material comes from a 120 m series of storm dominated, near shore, marine, clastic deposits of Oxfordian Tithonian age. Thirty five ichnospecies (29 named, of which three are new), assigned to 24 ichnogenera are described. The ichnospecies Asterosoma ludwigae n. isp., Teichichnus patens n. isp., and Treptichnus aequalternus n. isp. are introduced newly. The ichnogenera Ophiomorpha Lundgren, 1891, Thalassinoides Ehremberg, 1944, and Spongeliomorpha Saporta, 1887 are revised and synonymized with Spongeliomorpha Saporta, 1887.

Viimati muudetud: 1.5.2024
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