Tagasi otsingusse
Webby, 1970

Late Precambrian trace fossils from New South Wales

Webby, B. D.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Seven trace-fossil species are described from the upper part of the Torrowangee Group (Upper Proterozoic) of western New South Wales, and a variety of other traces are illustrated. A few forms occur in the Fowlers Gap Beds, and a more diverse and abundant fauna is recorded from the stratigraphically higher Lintiss Vale Beds. Virtually all the traces are preserved in the plane of bedding, as semi-reliefs. The named trace fossils all come from the Lintiss Vale Beds, and are as follows: Planolites ballandus sp. nov., Planolites? sp., Cochlichnus serpens sp. nov., Gordia? sp., Torrowangea rosei gen. et sp. nov., Phycodes? antecedent sp. nov., and Curvolithus? davidis sp. nov. Three of these species are regarded as feeding burrows (endogene), and are thought to represent the activity of infaunal, worm-like deposit feeders. Others may be either feeding burrows or crawling trails. There are also a few impressions which seem to be rest marks. A discussion of the significance of the trace-fossil occurrences is presented.

Viimati muudetud: 7.6.2024
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