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Wetzel & Uchman, 1997

Ichnology of deep‐sea fan overbank deposits of the Ganei slates (Eocene, Switzerland)— a classical flysch trace fossil locality studied first by Oswald Heer

Wetzel, A., Uchman, A.
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Ganei (Switzerland) is a classical locality for trace fossils. At this site, Heer (1877) described a large number of trace fossils, several of which were new taxa. The trace fossils occur in thin‐bedded turbidites in which the basal divisions of the Bouma sequence are typically absent; the turbidites are assigned to the Ganei Slates and are Eocene in age. They are interpreted to have been deposited in an overbank environment within an upper to middle fan area distal to a channel. Two trace‐fossil associations occur: the first (I) is characterized by bulldozing organisms producing biodeformational structures, Scolica, and Nereites irregularis; the second (II) association shows a distinct tiering pattern with near‐surface graphoglyptids and a mixed layer with simple tubes such as cf. Palaeophycus and Planolites, plus patterned tubes such as Nereites cirrinalis, and Chondrites. Deeper turbidite layers were colonized by Chondrites and Gyrophyllites. All trace fossils show a normal size spectrum compared to previously studied trace‐fossil associations, so the degree of oxygenation probably did not influence the composition of either trace‐fossil association. Seafloor sediment was probably soft and did not affect the trace‐fossil associations. Sedimentation rate and event frequency did not change and are estimated to have been in a range of 5–10 cm/1000 years and 2–5 events per 1000 years, respectively. The composition of trace‐fossil associations I and II is therefore interpreted to have been controlled by the benthic food content being higher for trace‐fossil association I than for II.

Viimati muudetud: 11.9.2022
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