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Rindsberg & Kopaska-Merkel, 2005

Treptichnus and Arenicolites from the Steven C. Minkin Paleozoic footprint Site (Langsettian, Alabama, USA)

Rindsberg, A. K. Kopaska-Merkel, D. C.
RaamatPennsylvanian Footprints in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama: Alabama Paleontological Society Monograph no. 1
Toimetaja(d)Buta, R. J., Rindsberg, A. K., Kopaska-Merkel, D. C.
KirjastusUnited States of America by University of Alabama Printing Services
Tüüpartikkel kogumikus


U-shaped burrows (Arenicolitidae: Arenicolites longistriatus n.isp.) and con-nected series of similar U-shaped burrows (Treptichnus apsorum n.isp.) are common at the Steven C. Minkin Paleozoic Footprint Site near Union Chapel, Alabama. Both kinds of bur-rows share a similar bioprint (new term), that is, characters that allow recognition of the maker. In this case, shallow U-shaped burrows and longitudinal striation comprise the bioprint of larval insects, or possibly other arthropods, having similar behavior and growth patterns to that of modern dipteran (fly) larvae. Haplotichnus, including H. ornatus n.isp., may have been made by very small insect larvae and other arthropods.

Ichnogenus Treptichnus is confined to T. bifurcus (the type ichnospecies), T. apsorum, and T. pollardi. Ichnofamily Arenicolitidae is revised.

Viimati muudetud: 1.5.2024
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