Tagasi otsingusse
Rhebergen, 2007d

Baltic Ordovician compound sponges as erratics on Gotland (Sweden), in northern Germany and the eastern Netherlands

Rhebergen, F.
AjakiriNetherlands Journal of Geosciences
Leheküljed365 - 378
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Compound orchocladine sponges are unusual in the Early Palaeozoic. In Europe, silicified material of Late Ordovician age has hitherto been referred to as Aulocopium aurantium Oswald, 1847 and the invalid Aulocopium compositum Conwentz, 1905. An examination of new material has resulted in the recognition of a new genus, Hydraspongia, with two new species, H. polycephala and H. erecta, and a third new species, Perissocoelia megahabra to which most specimens can now be assigned. These taxa form part of rich erratic sponge assemblages, which originate from unknown source areas in the Baltic, and have been collected in northern and western Europe from fluvial sandy deposits of the Eridanos River system, which drained the Baltic area from the Middle Miocene to Early Pleistocene.

Viimati muudetud: 23.2.2024
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