Tagasi otsingusse
Stachacz, 2012b

Ichnology of Czarna Shale Formation (Cambrian, Holy Cross Mountain, Poland)

Stachacz, M.
AjakiriAnnales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Ten ichnogenera and seven ichnospecies are described from the Czarna Shale Formation, possibly representing the Terreneuvian and Cambrian Series 2 of the Holy Cross Mountains. More over, five other ichnotaxa are described in open nomencla ure. Phycodes circinatus, ?Taenidium isp., Trichichnus linearis and ?Dictyodora isp. are described from the Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mountains for the first time. The stratigraphic ranges of Trichichnus linearis and Phycodes circinatus are extended. The trace fossil assemblage and associated, sedimentological features point to deposition in the upper and lower off shore. Periodic, anoxic events may have occurred on the sea bed.

Viimati muudetud: 20.10.2023
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