Tagasi otsingusse
Mikuláš, 1995

Trace fossils from the Paseky Shale (Early Cambrian Czech Republic)

Mikuláš, R.
AjakiriJournal of the Czech Geological Society
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Paseky Shale (Lower Cambrian, Central Bohemia) yielded the oldest known non-marine or brackish ichnoassemblage. It consists mostly of fodinichnia and repichnia of endemic arthropods Kodymirus vagans Chlupac et Havlicek, 1965 and Kockurus grandis Chlupac, 1995. These traces were attributed to ichnotaxa Monomorphichnus biserialis ichnosp. nov., M. semilineatus ichnosp. nov., M. multilineatus Alpert, 1976, M. lineatus Crimes et al., 1977, M. bilinearis Crimes, 1970, ?Rusophycus ichnosp. A, ?R. ichnosp B, ?Dimorphichnus ichnosp., and Diplichnites ichnosp. Presence of non-arthropod fauna is suggested only by finds of ?Bergaueria ichnosp. and ?bromalites ichnogen. indet. Except for M. lineatus and M. multilineatus, ichnotaxa occurring typically in the Cambrian marine environments are not present.

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