Tagasi otsingusse
Bradshaw, 2010

Devonian trace fossils of the Horlick Formation, Ohio Range, Antarctica: Systematic description and palaeoenvironmental interpretation

Bradshaw, M. A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The clastic Horlick Formation contains an ichnofauna of 28 ichnotaxa dominated by burrowers. These are a mixture of simple vertical forms (Skolithos linearis, S. magnus, Bergaueria cf. langi, Rosselia socialis, Monocraterion isp.), U or arc-like forms (Diplocraterion parallelum, Arenicolites types A and B, Catenarichnus antarcticus, C. isp., aff. Lanicoidichna isp.), and complex, vertical spiral structures (Asterosoma isp., Spirophyton isp.). Horizontal burrows include Ancorichnus cf. capronus, Palaeophycus tubularis, and Psammichnites devonicus isp. nov. Surface traces comprise Haplotichnus isp., Cruziana problematica, C. rhenana, Rusophycus aff. carbonarius, R. isp., Protovirgularia rugosa, Lockeia ornata and cubichnia indet., while trackways include Diplichnites gouldi, D. isp., Maculichna? isp. and large imprints. The Horlick Formation (maximum 56 m) records an early Devonian transgression onto a deeply weathered land area that lay in the direction of Marie Byrd Land, spreading from the South Africa sector of Gondwana. Analysis of the trace fossils confirms their formation in near-shore to intertidal environments, with some ichnotaxa living close to the marine/fluvial boundary (e.g., Spirophyton, aff. Lanicoidichna, Cruziana problematica, Rusophycus aff. carbonarius, Maculichna?). The ichnofauna probably comprised a variety of marine suspension and deposit-feeding worms, shallow burrowing molluscs (bivalves and possibly bellerophontids) and several different types of arthropods, including trilobites.

Viimati muudetud: 24.6.2023
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