Tagasi otsingusse
Mayoral, 1988

Pennatichnus nov. icnogen.; Pinaceocladichnus nov. icnogen. e Iramena. Huellas de bioerósion debidas a Bryozoa perforantes (Ctenostomata, Plioceno inferior) en la cuenca del Bajo Guadalquivir [Pennatichnus nov. icnogen; Pinaceocladichnus nov. icnogen. and Iramena. Bioerósion traces due to perforating Bryozoa (Ctenostomata, lower Pliocene) in the Lower Guadalquivir basin]

Mayoral, E.
AjakiriRevista Española de Paleontología
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The most important boring patterns of Bryozoa (Ctenostomata, Lower Pliocene) developed onto organic substrata (Bivalvia) are showed in the Bajo Guadalavir Basin. An ichnogeneric nomenclature is proposed to term these borings, with twi new names. Pennatichnus and Pinaceocladichnus to replace the classical destignation of the "Spathipora and Terebipora pattern-type" respectively.

Viimati muudetud: 18.11.2023
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