Tagasi otsingusse
Mikuláš, 1992b

Early Cretaceous borings from Štramberk (Czechoslovakia)

Mikuláš, R.
AjakiriČasopis pro mineralogii a geologii
Leheküljed297– 312
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Traces of boring organisms have been found at the locality Štramberk (northern Moravia, Czechoslovakia) on the walls of fissures of the Štramberk Limestone, on boulders of the fissure filling and in bioclasts. The rich assemblage includes the ichnotaxa Circolites kotoucensis ichnogen et ichnosp. nov., Entobia solaris ichnosp. nov. E. astrologica ichnosp. nov., E. laquea, E. megastoma, E. ovula, E. aff. ovula, E. paradoxa, E. retiformis, Gastrochaenolites ichnosp. A, ichnosp. B, Planavolites homolensis ichnogen et ichnosp. nov., Rogerella pattei, Trypanites ichnosp., ?echinoid grooves, ichnogen et ichnosp. indet. The walls of narrow deep fissures, which developed in the  Early Cretaceous in an elevation built up predominantly of the Štramberk Limestone (Tithonian - lower Berriasian) represented an environment of exceptional physical parameters (insufficient illumination). This gave rise to borings of unusual morphology (shallow subsurface character of camerate Entobia forms).

Viimati muudetud: 18.11.2023
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