Tagasi otsingusse
Mayoral et al., 1994

First evidences of perforating bryozoans (Ctenostomata) in Ordovician brachiopods from the Montes de Toledo (South Central-Iberian Zone, Spain)

Mayoral, E., Gutiérres Marco, J. C., Martinell, J.
Pealkiri originaalPrimeras evidencias de briozoos perforantes (Ctenostomata) en braquiópodos ordovícicos de los Montes de Toledo (Zona Centroibérica Meridional, España)
AjakiriRevista Española de Paleontología
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A new endolithic boring (Pinaseocladichnus perplexus isp. nov.) has been documented in brechiopods (orthids) shella coming from Lower Ordovician Oretan shales (approx. Early "Llanvirn") of the Toledo Mts., central Spain. The ichnofossils are preserved as natural moulds after dissulution of shell substrates, allowing its detailed study and illustration with SEM. Structures of this species cam be certainly compared with borings of ctenostomate bryozoans (Stolonifera): P. perplexus isp. nov. is therefore the oldest evidence of boring activity whithin this group. The colonization of the shells by bryozoans occurred most probably during brachiopods life, settling preferably in the marginal area (anterior and lateral) at shallow levels inside the dorsal valves.

Viimati muudetud: 20.7.2023
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