Tagasi otsingusse
Droser et al., 2004

Development of early Palaeozoic ichnofabrics: evidence from shallow marine siliciclastics

Droser, M. L., Jensen, S., Gehlîng, J. G.
RaamatThe application of ichnology to palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic analysis
Toimetaja(d)McIlroy, D.
KirjastusGeological Society of London
AjakiriGeological Society, London, Special Publications
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Earliest Cambrian fine-grained sediments appear to have been firm close to the sediment-water interface. As a result there was a high preservational potential of shallow tiers. There is limited evidence for a mixed layer at this time; rather, most of the preserved trace fossils were open burrows. Later in the Cambrian, depth of sediment mixing increased but firmground conditions are still found relatively close to the sediment-water interface. The development of the mixed layer and properties of Cambrian muddy sediments have numerous stratigraphic and ichnological consequences. These include secular trends in the preservation of event beds and shallow-tier trace fossils including Rusophycus and Cruziana.

Viimati muudetud: 10.6.2023
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