Tagasi otsingusse
Jagt, 2003

The ichnofossil genera Radulichnus and Renichnus in the Maastrichtian of The Netherlands and Belgium

Jagt, J. W. M.
AjakiriBulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belqique, Sciences de la Terre
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The tuffaceous chalk facies (biocalcarenites) of the Maastricht Formation (Late Maastrichtian) in its type area (SE Netherlands, NE Belgium) has yielded numerous ichnofossil taxa; however, the genera Radulichnus and Renichnus were not yet recorded. Here, examples of these two taxa are described and illustrated. Radulichnus traces are left on a lithified substrate by the radula of certain gastropod and/or polyplacophoran (chitonid) molluscs, while Renichnus are etched traces of shells of vermetid gastropods. Vermetids from the Maastricht Formation are briefly discussed; an example of Vermetus clathratus BINKHORST, 1861 is illustrated. In addition, the ichnofossil Centrichnus eccentricus BROMLEY & MARTINELL, 1991, the byssal etching trace of anomiid bivalves which bears a superficial resemblance to Renichnus, is also documented.

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